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HDS predicts 50 billion interconnected sensors by 2020

According to to Andrew McGee, Chief Technology Officer, Hitachi Data Systems, ANZ, the Internet of Things (IoT) will mean that by 2020, an estimated 50 billion of interconnected sensors will be consuming, generating and communicating data, effectively turning the world into a giant network of interconnected ‘things’. 

“At Hitachi,” said McGee, “we refer to the “Internet of Things That Matter” as we focus on combining the operational technology (OT) of large or critical infrastructure with innovative information technology (IT) such as Big Data Analytics, high speed data streaming, management and protection.”

“To respond to this seismic shift, organisations will need to implement leading-edge technologies that can rapidly organise, store, manage and analyse the vast quantities of data, even as it is generated from a growing multitude of sources.”

“With our deep expertise in IT,” said McGee, “and advanced data analytics capability and data platforms, Hitachi Data Systems enables organisations to support optimal operations and informed decision-making, with an advanced IT infrastructure for IoT and big data analytics.”

“The advantage stems from the predictive rather than historical viewpoint analytics provide. Imagine not just knowing what could happen but instead shaping what will happen, and being able to respond with real-time adjustments that change outcomes. Big data analytics identifies precursors to problems”.

“With thousands of relevant patents secured and new patent applications pending, HDS is a rapidly emerging global leader in the IoT, operational technology, big data and machine-to-machine (M2M) analytics. “

“Our technology leadership leverages software-defined infrastructures, designed to help customers achieve greater levels of information access through virtualised, hyper-converged and scale-out platforms that are built to accelerate the journey to IT as a service (ITaaS) through application-led, software-defined architectures.”

“We also announced several strategic acquisitions over the past year to bolster our Social Innovation and analytics portfolio – including Avrio, oXya, Pantascene and Pentaho.”

“The acquisition of leading data integration, visualisation and analytics company Pentaho, completed in June, enhances our existing big data analytics and processing technologies and extends the capabilities of our broader information management product and services portfolio.,” said McGee.

“Later in 2015 you will see HDS launch our Hyper Scale-Out Platform in Australia.”

“This exciting, small footprint, analytics platform is designed for analysing data at the source, eliminating the need to shift large amounts of machine data to a central location. What’s more, it starts small and grows very large organically, as needs determine.”

At a group level, we are entering the next phase of our Social Innovation business strategy in conjunction with new solutions and services, which include Hitachi Live Insight for IT Operations, Hitachi Clinical Repository for connected health, and Hitachi Live Insight Center of Excellence.”


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